Saturday, November 26, 2011

Lake Peigneur

I chose this lake as my favorite lake because it is the only lake in the world that went from being an 11 foot deep fresh water lake to a 1300 foot deep salt water lake in a matter of days. The lake had several oil rigs on it, one of the oil rigs hit a salt mine that was way below the lake, causeing all the water to drain in a whirlpool out of the lake. the passage that the water was traveling down made by the drill was quickly eroded into a larger channel because the water disolved the salt away almost instantly. The vortex sucked up other oil rigs on the lake and everything on the lake. Becuase the lake drained so quickly it caused the canal from the lake to the ocean to reverse its direction and it filled the deep eroded crater left behind with salt water from the ocean. This process completely changed the ecosystem of the entire lake in a matter of hours. EVery living thing in the lake was quickly replaced. Also the lake was made much deeper, making for greater temperature change from the surface to the lake floor.


Friday, November 25, 2011

Negative Feedback Loops

For negative feedback loops, I decided to elaborate using terminology and illustrations from a
feedback and systems class I took last semester. Consider the diagram shown below.

G represents a function or system operator of a medium "R". "H" represents a negative feedback
operator that sends information back to the source through route "B", then subtracts from "R"
to create "E". "H" must be negative or else the system will rapidly become unstable and will
explode and or collapse. An example of this could be population of a certain species "R". As
population "G" increases, it will forever increase without a negative feedback function from "H"
such as widespread disease or insufficient food sources. this negative feedback function
causes the population to drop back to a lower level because it subtracts population from "R" to
create "E" where the system becomes more stable. The population will continue to settle until it
reaches a stable level.